A safe space for in-depth, collaborative discussions

Supported by intelligent moderation, the Conversation tool provides a safe place for your community to discuss specific issues.

Stimulate healthy debate and discussion

The Conversation tool sparks discussion within your community.

Collect views from a variety of perspectives and allows users to comment on and discuss content, ask questions, and engage with each other. Users can reply to specific comments and create a threaded discussion that can be followed and tracked over time.

Enable upvoting and downvoting

Allow your community to rank comments and determine which posts are the most relevant and popular.

Registered members can upvote a comment they like, and downvote one they don’t, which affects the comment’s ranking. The upvoting system ensures that the most relevant and popular content rises to the top, making it easier for users to find the information they’re looking for.

Real-time conversation

Create a dynamic and ongoing conversation with real-time comments.

Members can engage in live discussions, participate in real-time events, and receive up-to-date information on a wide range of topics with real-time comments. Comments will dynamically appear and an alert will display in real-time, inviting you to load the new comment or comments.

Explore our most popular participation tools

When you’re trying to build trust with your community, every interaction matters.

Social Pinpoint helps you to create meaningful public participation experiences that will keep citizens coming back for more.

Select a tool to learn more!

Quick Poll

The fastest way to gather feedback


Promote topic-driven discussion


Capture the big ideas from your community

Questions & Answer

Your engaging and effective Q&A


Record meaningful data with engaging surveys


Capture the big ideas from your community


Inspire connection through storytelling

Fund It

Empower your community to decide

Social Map

Powerful interactive mapping


Start engaging with your community today.

Our expert team is available to show you how to get the most out of your online community engagement platform.
