On-Demand Webinar

City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s Approach and Success in Closing the Loop

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Discover how the City of Port Adelaide Enfield successfully developed strategies for closing the loop to keep community members informed!

In this focused session, we’ll explore:

  • Different types of engagement methods for closing the loop.
  • How PAE has been using its engagement platform to engage and connect with the community.
  • Examples from PAE’s projects that showcase their commitment to closing the loop.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your community engagement efforts!

Thank you - was an insightful discussion and always great to hear how other organisations (specifically councils) are engaging with their communities.
Useful insights, always good to hear what others are doing. Good topic.
Great to see real-life examples and how the platform has supported them to close the loop.
Head of Practice & Strategic Relationships | Social Pinpoint

Andrew Coulson

Andrew is an experienced community engagement specialist with 18 years' experience on the front line of the practice in the UK and Australia and now nearly 5 years' experience in digital community engagement. With senior experience in consultation, collaboration and communication across various public participation roles in local and state government, housing, water and charity, Andrew is also the instigator of an annual Global Community Engagement Day which came about as part of his time with Engage 2 Act. Andrew is now Head of Practice and Strategic Relationships, working with both current and potential customers using Social Pinpoint and Consultation Manager. Personally, Andrew has adopted the Adelaide Crows as his local team and is a well-known chocoholic.

Community Engagement Officer | The City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Melissa Clarke

Melissa is the Community Engagement Officer at the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and supports staff and teams across council to plan, deliver and evaluated their community engagement projects. Melissa has previously worked at a metropolitan and regional council in a range of community development, youth and open space focused roles. She is passionate about working with community members to create vibrant community spaces and establishing opportunities for young people to influence council planning and decision making.

Community Engagement Coordinator | The City of Port Adelaide Enfield

Robert Kretschmer

As the Community Engagement Coordinator at the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, Robert is passionate about creating opportunities for genuine, meaningful and inclusive community participation in local government decision-making. Robert collaborates across the organisation with a practical and strategic approach to grow internal capability and improve community engagement outcomes. Robert played a key role in the development of the City of PAE’s Communications and Engagement Framework with its focus on transparency, connection and inclusion and has led complex community engagement processes for the City. Before returning home to Adelaide in 2020, Robert extensively engaged with community to develop the Walk, Cycle Greater Bendigo strategy and is a strong advocate for walking and cycling friendly cities.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your community engagement efforts!


Start engaging with your community today.

Our expert team is available to show you how to get the most out of your online community engagement platform.
